GME Data Briefs

Graduate medical education (GME) is the system by which graduated medical students become fully trained doctors. GME is a national system that is responsible for the pipeline of physicians who meet local, regional, and national needs. GNYHA’s GME Data Brief highlights important GME and physician workforce data findings for our members and other interested stakeholders.

23 Items in GME Data Briefs
GME Data Brief: Impact of Federal GME Investment on Physician Supply
June 28, 2024
GME, Workforce & Population Health Graduate Medical Education GME Data Briefs
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GME Data Brief: 2024 Match Applicants by Type
March 29, 2024
GME, Workforce & Population Health Graduate Medical Education GME Data Briefs
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Program Graduates vs. Trainees Leaving Prior to Completion
December 4, 2023
GME, Workforce & Population Health Graduate Medical Education GME Data Briefs
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GNYHA Membership Contribution to the Physician Workforce: Education to Practice
October 2, 2023
GME, Workforce & Population Health Graduate Medical Education GME Data Briefs
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Specialties With Highest In-State Retention from GME to Practice
July 18, 2023
GME, Workforce & Population Health Graduate Medical Education GME Data Briefs
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A Regional Look at Specialties That Offered the Most Positions in the 2023 Match
May 30, 2023
GME, Workforce & Population Health Graduate Medical Education GME Data Briefs
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2023 Match: Filled Positions and Matched Applicants by Type
March 30, 2023
GME, Workforce & Population Health Graduate Medical Education GME Data Briefs
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Psychiatry & Psychiatric Subspecialty Program GME Characteristics
February 3, 2023
GME, Workforce & Population Health Graduate Medical Education GME Data Briefs
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Residency Program Accreditation Characteristics & Trends
November 21, 2022
GME, Workforce & Population Health Graduate Medical Education GME Data Briefs
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Resident Test Scores and Experiences by Specialty
October 3, 2022
GME, Workforce & Population Health Graduate Medical Education GME Data Briefs
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Member Hospital Sites in HPSAs
July 29, 2022
GME, Workforce & Population Health Graduate Medical Education GME Data Briefs
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HPSA Designation and Rural and Non-Rural Status
May 31, 2022
GME, Workforce & Population Health Graduate Medical Education GME Data Briefs
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