Summary Table of the 2024 NYS Legislative Session

This table summarizes bills of significant interest to GNYHA members from the recently completed 2024 Albany legislative session. The Legislature must deliver all bills to Governor Hochul before the end of the year. More information on the 2024 session can be found in ML-51.
July 11, 2024

GNYHA 2024 Report on Resident Trainee Compensation and Benefits

GNYHA’s 2024 Resident Trainee Compensation report summarizes the results of GNYHA’s survey of our member teaching hospitals. Thank you to the GNYHA members that responded to the survey—81% of member institutions that employ residents are represented in the results. GNYHA has issued this report since 2019 to provide information on current compensation and benefits provided...
July 1, 2024
Stethoscope Icon

Voters Set to Decide on Proposed Changes to New York City Charter

The New York City Council last month passed a bill to amend the New York City Charter to expand its advice and consent powers, despite Mayor Adams’ opposition. The bill gives the Council the ability to approve or reject 20 additional Mayoral appointees, including the commissioners of Buildings, Consumer and Worker Protection, Environmental Protection, Health...
July 26, 2024

Budget Office Reports Modest Changes to State Financial Picture

The Division of the Budget (DOB) on Wednesday released its first quarterly update for State fiscal year 2025. DOB reported that total State funds are $1.8 billion above previous estimates due to Federal reimbursements, lower-than-expected spending, and income tax revenues above expectations. However, DOB said these developments would not alter overall budget projections. DOB also...
July 26, 2024

HRSA Opens Applications for Children’s Hospitals and Teaching Health Centers GME Programs

The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), the US Department of Health and Human Services agency that administers most Federal health workforce programs, recently opened applications for two GME funding opportunities. The Children’s Hospitals GME program provides funding to freestanding children’s hospitals for residency training. A total of $366 million is available for up to...
July 26, 2024
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NRMP’s 2024 Main Residency Match Results and Data Report Updates Resident Placement Metric

The National Resident Matching Program (NRMP), the organization that places residency program applicants into open residency positions, has published its 2024 Main Residency Match Results and Data Report. The report contains data on the results of the 2024 Main Residency Match (Match) and Supplemental Offer and Acceptance Program (SOAP). (SOAP is a second round of...
July 26, 2024
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GNYHA Discusses Guidance on Alternate Pathways to Licensure for IMGs

GNYHA recently participated in a symposium convened by the Advisory Commission on Alternate Licensing Models, a body recently established by the Federation of State Medical Boards, Intealth, and the Accreditation Council for GME. The Commission is charged with providing states with guidance on developing a path to medical licensure for foreign-licensed physicians that does not...
July 26, 2024
Stethoscope Icon

GNYHA Meets with Senate Finance Committee on GME Policy Proposal

This month, Senate Finance Committee (SFC) staff convened GNYHA, the American Hospital Association, the Association of American Medical Colleges, and other stakeholders to discuss potential Medicare GME legislation. A bipartisan SFC working group recently released a GME policy outline to address physician workforce shortages in certain specialties and regions. GNYHA advocated for legislation that would...
July 26, 2024
Stethoscope Icon

GNYHA Member Debriefing Sessions on CrowdStrike Outage

GNYHA will conduct several member debriefing sessions the week of August 5 on the CrowdStrike outage that occurred July 19. The sessions will focus on your organizations’ response, continuity of patient care services, and areas for improved coordination. Your staff will have an opportunity to share individual approaches with other GNYHA members and provide feedback...
July 26, 2024
Emergency Icon

DOH Accepting Letters of Interest for $300 Million Safety Net Transformation Program

The New York State Department of Health (DOH) has released details about its Safety Net Transformation Program, including that DOH is now accepting letters of interest (LOI) from safety net hospitals that wish to apply for funding under the program. The State budgeted $300 million in its State fiscal year 2025 budget for the Safety...
July 24, 2024
Finance Icon

CrowdStrike Outage, GNYHA Incident Command Structure Update

GNYHA continues to assess the CrowdStrike outage’s impact on hospital operations since Friday, including the need to rely on downtime procedures and manually reconfigure computer workstations. We remain in contact with State and local officials who are monitoring for impacts. Our main request to date is for New York State to relax prior authorization requirements...
July 23, 2024
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