
Hospitals and health systems are deeply committed to protecting patient data and electronic health information from damaging cyberattacks. GNYHA recognizes that ensuring and investing in information technology (IT) security is challenging, particularly in a complex health care environment with myriad IT systems and networked medical devices. GNYHA provides advocacy, education, and resources on cyber threats and best practices, requirements, and strategies for preparedness, response, and recovery.

27 Items in Cybersecurity
Change Healthcare Begins Breach Notification Process; July 8 Deadline for Hospitals to Opt Out of Allowing Change to Notify Affected Individuals
June 21, 2024
Legal, Compliance & HIT Health Information Technology Cybersecurity
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GNYHA Urges DOH to Pause Finalizing Proposed Cybersecurity Regulations
February 12, 2024
Legal, Compliance & HIT Health Information Technology Cybersecurity
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GNYHA Comments on DOH Proposed Cybersecurity Regulations
February 6, 2024
Legal, Compliance & HIT Health Information Technology Cybersecurity
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New Cybersecurity Materials Available
August 28, 2023
Legal, Compliance & HIT Health Information Technology Cybersecurity
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New Cybersecurity Training and Resources Available
May 4, 2023
Legal, Compliance & HIT Health Information Technology Cybersecurity
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Open SSL Patch Available Tomorrow
October 31, 2022
Legal, Compliance & HIT Health Information Technology Cybersecurity
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FBI Issues Advisories on Recent Cyberattacks and Increasing Vulnerabilities
September 19, 2022
Legal, Compliance & HIT Health Information Technology Cybersecurity
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Cybersecurity Advisory: Zeppelin Ransomware Summary
August 12, 2022
Legal, Compliance & HIT Health Information Technology Cybersecurity
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Federal Government Cybersecurity Advisory on Ransomware Targeting Health Care
July 6, 2022
Legal, Compliance & HIT Health Information Technology Cybersecurity
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New Cybersecurity Advisory, Resources, and Requests for Feedback from the Federal Government
May 2, 2022
Legal, Compliance & HIT Health Information Technology Cybersecurity
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HHS Warns Health Sector Faces “Exceptionally Aggressive” Ransomware Threat
April 21, 2022
Legal, Compliance & HIT Health Information Technology Cybersecurity
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Hospitals Urged to Heighten Cybersecurity Posture
February 28, 2022
Legal, Compliance & HIT Health Information Technology Cybersecurity
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