
GNYHA Launches 2024 Safety Culture Survey Initiative

January 29, 2024

GNYHA held a kickoff webinar last week for its annual Safety Culture Survey Initiative (SCSI). This initiative helps hospitals field the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Surveys on Patient Safety Culture™ (SOPS®) Hospital Survey and the Workplace Safety Supplemental Items. The SOPS® survey can help hospitals meet The Joint Commission’s Leadership Standard 03.01.01 requiring leadership to evaluate a hospital’s culture of safety and quality using valid, reliable tools.

Nineteen hospitals are participating in this year’s SCSI. Since 2021, GNYHA has helped more than 45 members successfully administer AHRQ surveys by providing best practices to increase survey response rates, detailed reports, and impactful, data-driven performance improvement strategies using survey results. A detailed overview of GNYHA’s SCSI can be found here.

For more information on GNYHA’s SCSI offering, please contact