As telehealth is increasingly embedded into the health care delivery system, care team members such as nurses, medical assistants, care managers, and administrative staff must be equipped to support related activities, workflows, patient education, and communication. This guide is intended to help GNYHA members, training organizations, and educational institutions ensure that incoming staff have the skills and education necessary to support virtual, telephonic, and digital care.
The guide includes learning objectives specific to telehealth and digital health care delivery and addresses telehealth fundamentals, care delivery support teams, and ensuring patient access to telehealth services. Each topic includes original content and additional resources and materials that can be incorporated into new or existing curriculum. Additionally, as many hospitals and health systems are developing and expanding their telehealth capabilities, the guide also includes training resources for providers. The guide’s content was informed by ambulatory care and telehealth leadership from eight organizations, who highlighted educational opportunities, training gaps, and related best practices.
This initiative was funded by the New York Alliance for Careers in Healthcare (NYACH), a public-private partnership based at the New York City Department of Small Business Services. NYACH’s mission is to build an effective health care workforce development system and help education and training organizations adapt their approach to better meet New York City’s health care needs.