
Beat Burnout and Build the Bottom Line: What Great Leaders Do Differently (Part 2)

Date & Time
April 19, 2022
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM EDT
This Event Passed

With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic stressing the health care workforce in unimaginable ways, systems, strategies, and approaches that acknowledge what staff are experiencing and offer acute and ongoing supports are more critical than ever before. Consequently, GNYHA is excited to launch the Wellbeing Leaders Lecture Series, a set of presentations to be offered throughout 2022. This series will be an opportunity for key staff in member institutions to learn directly from national thought leaders in the health care workforce health and wellbeing space. Topics and presentations will educate and motivate attendees, helping them to enhance efforts within their own facilities.

The presenter of this lecture will be Paul DeChant, MD, MBA.

The Wellbeing Leaders Lecture Series targets organizational and departmental leaders and individuals involved at any level in health care workforce health and wellbeing. Details on subsequent lectures in this series will be shared soon.

Video Transcript

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